Start your 2021 Emotional Healing Journey


Sadly this has not been the start of 2021 we had all hoped for in the UK staring into another long lockdown.  Flipping this around though, this is also a time to take stock and look at ways to improve our emotional wellbeing.  So many times neglecting emotional health goes on to far more serious mental and physical health problems which take much more sorting out.  Start by listening to your inner guidance.  This all starts with taking time out every day cutting out the mind chatter and just being present with quiet meditation and listening.  Use a repeated chant if you need to start with to take your mind away from everyday thoughts and worries.  

This brings me on to another deep thought for you to think about which is what triggers your negative emotions?  Is it deadlines that you find yourself constantly under pressure to meet?  Is it a relationship where you are not being heard or respected?  This is where therapies such as crystal therapies and Bach Flower Remedies help.  Dr Bach related emotional states to the layers of an onion.  What may start off as  frustrated anger will then go on to reveal itself as impatience at a need to get things done or deadlines to be met which further down the line reveals itself to be fear of being unable to control your situation which will then ultimately reveals itself all to be the grief and sadness you felt when you weren’t able to fix a situation that was totally out of your control.  This sort of deep dive into your emotions takes time but is ultimately so rewarding when you finally understand why certain situations trigger you or why you find yourself in a vicious circle repeating the same mistakes getting into toxic relationships etc.  I have been working as a Bach Flower Therapist now for several years and I am happy to offer you advice on all our Therapy Bottles as well as mix custom bottles for your needs.

This is also how crystals work.  They tap into our energies helping us to switch the negative to positive.  Using crystals regularly will help to reveal your inner truth which in turn helps you to support and nurture yourself in a way that works for you to stay in a good place regardless of the circumstances surrounding you.

One of the ways Aromatherapy Oils work are on the olfactory nerves the shortest of the cranial nerves passing straight to the forebrain.  As with different Bach Flower Remedies and crystals breathing in different Aromatherapy Oils by diffuser or burner can really help with emotional wellbeing.   In addition, Aromatherapy Oils are also absorbed through the skin layers working in a similar way to food and vitamin nutrients to nurture and feed the body. As an Aromatherapist and Crystal Therapist I have put together therapy oils and crystal packs for lots of health and emotional issues:-

Alternative Therapies for Coping with Fear and Anxiety


We speak to a lot of people currently coping with varying degrees of Fear and Anxiety particularly at the moment. Not forgetting that anger problems also have their roots in fear. Fear of changes, fear of losing control and fear of the unknown. A lot of people have their own coping strategies and that’s fine so long as they are not self destructive. Spending some time every day relaxing doing something you enjoy and meditating switching the conscious mind off for a while will help considerably. We have a blog on here regarding meditation for you to refer to with hints and tips.

The first of our remedies and the most popular are our Bach Flower Remedies Therapy Mixes which have been blended by a Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner using Original Bach Flower Remedies which contain approximately 6 – 7 Remedies in each mix. They were original selected by Dr Bach back in the 1930s for their flower essences which work by enhancing positive emotions connected to specific emotional problems such as loneliness, grief, terror and anger. The effects of the Therapy Mixes are really enhanced by keeping a positive mindset in your everyday life while taking them. For our Bach Flower Remedy Therapy Mixes click here

We also have our own pre-blended Aromatherapy Mixes for Relaxation, Confidence and Uplifting which have been blended by a qualified Aromatherapist. Each blend has been made up with therapy oils into a base oil so that they can be used directly onto the skin or in a diffuser. Aromatherapy oils work on the olfactory (smell) receptors sending impulses directly to the brain and body. For our Aromatherapy Mixes click here

Another wonderful therapy are our crystal bracelets which are made up from approximately 7 – 8 different genuine crystal beads into an adjustable bracelet which contains approximately 31 crystals. We are all bodies of energy and each crystal has its own energy field which work with our energies to heal physical and emotional issues. These bracelets act as a crystal energy grid to work on stress/fear healing, relaxation/sleep, confidence, energy, protection and pain relief. We also have crystal bracelets with lava beads which are porous and our aromatherapy oils can also be added for added benefits such as the Meditation Bracelet, Grounding Bracelet and the Power Bracelet. For our Crystal Bracelets click here

All these therapies come without side effects but they do not replace medical advice from your doctor where needed.

Benefits of Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies

Crystals Therapy has a range of 31 Bach Flower Remedy treatments made from the Original Bach Flower Remedies to treat both you and your pets.

Each Therapy Bottle is 30ml and contains 6 to 7 of the Original Bach Flower Remedies combined so from £14.99 they are excellent value for money.  In addition each of the remedies available has a full description of its particular uses not only for humans but also animals making it easy for you to pick the correct remedy to treat yourself and your pets.

Bach Flower Remedies are famous the world over and have been around since Dr Edward Bach completed them in the early 1930s.   Here is  a little more detail on their purpose:-

Western medicine has an approach focused on physical methodology based on the use of pharmaceuticals and technology and literally pares people down to a list of symptoms and intervenes at that point.

For example, if you are having problems breathing a doctor will listen to your chest, and then the doctor will prescribe something that is designed to alleviate the congestion or inflammation. He/She is unlikely to associate a severe emotional trauma that you have suffered might well be related.

Western mediciene treats the part of the individual that are visible and not the unseen parts. Feelings and emotions are not considered. The spiritual side does not exist for them.

Bach Flower Remedies works on the principal ‘Treat the person, not the disease’. This approach looks at the whole person not just the physical manifestations of ill health. It promotes the view that spirit mind and body are connected in many subtle ways and attempts to treat the individual as a whole and address all aspects of their lives at the same time.

Bach Flower remedies are medicines for emotional states of mind and they aim to rebalance negatives states and encourage their opposites. The health benefits of which will be a balanced emotional life, which in turn leads to feeling healthier and better about life.

There are 38 basic remedies of which 37 are made from an individual flower or plant; the exception being Rock Water which is specially prepared spring water. Each remedy targets a specific negative emotion, for example, fear or worry.

The remedies do not work like conventional or orthodox medicine by diminishing symptoms; instead they work by enhancing the existing positive qualities. The negative symptoms are not suppressed; they are replaced by the increase of the equivalent positive quality.